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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Recovery Scenario for Unknown Window

The following code can be added in the recovery scenario as a function call. When the occurence is set to "On Error" it will check for any unknown window, if it finds this unknown window, it will click ok or cancel button or any other button which we are giving in the script. If there is not such unwindow and still the object expected by QTP is not visible, then it will also click Retry for the QTP error.

This is very important since we are handling here both application generated as well as QTP generated errors. You can also add the function for caputuring the screenshot here to make it an excellent looking Recovery Scenario.

Function UnknownWindow(Object, Method, Arguments, retVal)

Dim var

var=Array("&No","OK","Ok", "Cancel", "Close")
Set o_Desc=description.Create
Set o_Nobutn=description.Create
o_Desc("Class Name").value="Dialog"

If Window(o_Desc).Exist Then

For i= 0 to Arr_Count
If Window(o_Desc).winbutton(o_Nobutn).Exist(0) Then
Enabled = Window(o_Desc).winbutton(o_Nobutn).GetROProperty("enabled")
If Enabled = "True" Then
Exit For
End If

End If


End If

End Function


Public Function QTP_Error

count = 1
For Count = 1 to 2
Set WshShell =CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Btncode = WshShell.Popup ("object is disabled", 1)
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
wait 2
WshShell.SendKeys "~"

End Function

Capturing the screenshot in case of error

The following piece of code can be inserted as a fucntion call in you recovery scenario. If you set the occurence as "On Error", it will take the screenshot of your screen in the event of an error. This is helpful in understanding what exactly happend before the recovery scenario was triggered.

Dim filename

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If FSO.FolderExists("D:\Automation\Results\Screenshots")= "False" Then
End If

timenow = now
timenw= split (timenow, " ")
filename = RecipeNo &"_"&timenw(1)&".png"
filename = Replace(filename,"/","")
filename = Replace(filename,":","")
filename = "D:\Ranger Automation\Results\Screenshots"&"\"&filename
Desktop.CaptureBitmap filename,true
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"image","<"

Create a line chart in excel

Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set Book = Excel.Workbooks.Open("E:\Performance.xls")
Set Sheet = Book.Worksheets(1)

Set Range = Sheet.UsedRange
Range.Select ' Selects the area in the excel sheet with the data

Set Charts= Excel.Charts

Set objCharts = Charts(1)

objCharts.ChartType = 65 ' This will select a line chart

objCharts.SeriesCollection(1).Border.Weight = -4138 'Used to increase the width of the line in the graph
objCharts.SeriesCollection(2).Border.Weight = -4138
objCharts.SeriesCollection(3).Border.Weight = -4138


For more details and other types of charts. Please refer the website: